Adult Involvement
Sunday School:
Adults of all age groups are welcome to attend our Sunday School classes each Sunday beginning at 9:15 am. Our classes serve as our small group connections and are fundamental to our relationship development as a church family

Church Family Night:
Church Family Night begins every Wednesday at 5:30 PM with a Friendship Meal during the months of January-March and September-November. The Friendship Meals are provided by the different adult Sunday School classes and are funded by donations taken at the door. At 6:45 PM at the close of the meal, classes begin in individual classrooms. Classes, listed below, are available for all age groups infants through adult.
Infants (below 2)
Beginners (age 2-3)
Preschool (age 4)
Children (Kindergarten through grades 6)
Jr. High Youth
High School Youth
Adult Bible Study
Other Opportunities
Various opportunities for adults to be involved are available through our ministries. Community involvement happens through our jail ministry, partnerships with Mennonite Disaster Service, Habitat for Humanity, neighborhood outreach, and internal ministries through our commissions and committees.

Office Hours
8:00am - 12:15pm
1:00pm - 4:30pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Morning
10:30am Worship
429 E 1st Street
PO Box 291
Newton, KS 67114